We are the chickens. Get close to us and hear our farmyard vesper. Our voices rise and fall as one. We sing all day because our hearts are as free as our bodies. We talk because we need to gossip about other residents of this farm who are simply put, nothing short of free loaders. We are the hardest working residents of this farm! We don’t spend the hot summer days just roasting ourselves! No! We spend our days running around. Why you ask? Well, to capture nothing less than the finest grubs, seeds and greens to eat to ensure that ours are the most beautiful and nutritious eggs. We keep our eggs safe and warm in the nest until a human whisks them away. Despite our dedication to egg producing - the pigs told us that when a human calls someone a ‘chicken’ – that it is not a compliment – rather it is an INSULT!!! Mercy us! (For the record, we didn’t tell the pigs the awful truth behind calling someone a ‘pig’. Bless their dear hearts
Beeswrap Making Class - 03.01.2025
Seed Starting Educational Class - 03.08.2025
Heirloom Seed Exchange - 03.08.2025